The National Assembly in 2011 of the Italian Historic Houses Association, the XXXIV its inception, will be held next May in Milan. The work will take place at Palazzo Clerici, on the morning of Saturday 14 and will be opened by greetings and reports of the national leaders of the prestigious Association: Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini (National Chairman), Nicholas dall'Onda Pasolini (Honorary President) and Aldo Pezzana del Grillo (President Emeritus). Doing the honors is the President of Lombardy, Paveri Camillo Fontana. At the same time there are multiple visits to the cultural heritage of Milan and Lombardy, and two gala dinners: one at the exclusive company of the Garden of Milan (Palazzo Spinola) and the other in Anger, on Lake Maggiore in the Castle and Giberto Bona Borromeo Arese. Roberto Coin Fulvio Jonghi Lavarini and rennet, ADSI members, assured presence, the patronage and support of local institutions (municipality, province and region). Mariofilippo Brambilla carp announced will involve the rehabilitation of historic homes, not only government but also academic experts like Prof. Roberto Comnenus of Otranto (Professor of Tourism Marketing at the University of Bicocca Milan) and major private managers internzaionali like Frederick Lalatta Costerbosa Boston Consulting Group. Another proposal is to connect the visits to historic houses with the rediscovery of the ancient pilgrims' way, involving, in this case, industry experts, like Prof. Paul von Caucci Saucken and Prof. Giuseppe Manzoni kiosks.
http://www.adsi.it/ - http://lombardia.adsi.it/index.php?a
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