CISOM Friday, February 4, 2011 - MILAN SMOM
Italian Ambulance Corps of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Milan, in agreement with the City and Civil Protection, has set up some tents and refreshment reception night, in front of Milan Central Station, which can accommodate up to ninety homeless. This humanitarian initiative, which started on December 1, will continue without interruption until at least March 1, 2011. The service is organized in two rounds (the first evening, from 20.00 to 1.00 and the second night, from 1:00 to 8.00) with five volunteers each.
E 'asked for the support of all (Knights, Ladies, friends and fans) are welcome new volunteers to strengthen the staff of CISOM, food, basic necessities (such as cookies, panettone and chocolate in unopened packages), bedding and clothing (sweaters and winter jackets new or clean and in good condition) and financial offers designed to support the initiative.
Information and membership: Mark Boettger
Group Leader CISOM Milan
www.ordinedimaltaitalia.org / CISOM
Cell 335.8381261 - Fax 02.66500943
gruppo.milano @ cisom.org
Roberto Jonghi Lavarini
Cell 346.7893810 - robertojonghi @ gmail . com

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