I am pleased to forward the attached invitation to the Dance Carnival organized by the Military Corps of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to be held Saturday, March 12 at 20 at Visconti Castle in Somma Lombardo di San Vito. The festival is very special because it takes place in the picturesque setting of a beautiful medieval castle that until a few years ago was inhabited by the family to which it was built so you are kept in excellent condition and retains much of its original furnishings. The evening includes a cocktail in the courtyard, the gala dinner served at the table and the chance to dance to ballroom and disco music performed live. The dress code is black tie or possibly only a form inspired by the theme "At the court of Versailles."
The ticket price is 70 € for young people up to 35 years and 90 € for others. Any membership must be received strictly no later than March 5 by making a transfer to the following coordinates:
c / c 100 757 517 Unicredit Banca, made payable to First Melitense
CIN U - ABI 02008 - CAB 01728 - IBAN BIC UNCRITB1686
indicating the reason your name and last name plus the letters "Group of Friends First." In addition, a copy of the payment must be sent via e-mail address 1reparto-smom@libero.it.
To reach the castle, you must take the highway from Milan to Varese and exit at Busto Arsizio and take the highway to the airport. Just before arriving at the airport, there is the release Somma Lombardo, and after a few miles, you arrive in the country where the information can easily lead to the goal.
Stefano Linati