Sunday, January 9, 2011

Masquerade Prom Dress Under 100

Psycho-genealogy and systemic constellations


Our difficulties reflect, in general, unresolved conflicts within our families. From an early age, and in a totally unconscious, we have absorbed.
Now, the conflicts that have grown with us, although recur in our lives differently from the past. However, remain the same conflicts adapted to new generations and new contexts.

Since our arrival in the world, our parents unconsciously projected upon us all kinds of desires emotional, intellectual, physical and sexual abuse, which ended up planning our lives
(the parental family project), so bear from childhood to realize the task is projected that other family members, in turn, made on them. The child eventually accept and identify with these projections, which become a heavy responsibility that will accompany him for the rest of his life. Bring this order

parental unconscious form and with which our 'essential being' is not in agreement, it is a source of imbalances, dissatisfaction, frustration, whose origin remains unknown to us. We are simply not good but we do not know why.

Most of our conflicts, disorders, and contradictory impulses, formed by identification with parental figures who have marked and which continue to be faithful even though there is painful, crippling or self-destructive. In turn these characters to which we are faithful people, identified in other earlier figures, forming a chain of inheritance conflicts. So how about we influenced our parents, they were conditioned by our grandparents, and so later.

In a more or less more, all while maintaining an unconscious loyalty to our family history (the clan or tribe). What we have received from our parents pass on to our children and so on from generation to generation, marking the fate of each individual character of the tree. Explore our

unconscious family leads us to discover how the lives of our ancestors, contain facts that resonate with our current problems. As if our problems were a legacy that we have attributed the unconscious traumatic situations in the past. Realizing the family origins of the conflict and its consequences in our lives, we can deal directly with the block and fix it.

studying our family tree we find the slopes, situations, attitudes and postures that are repeated from generation to generation, until it reaches us. This forms an unconscious family that ends up completely affect our current lives. This family

unconscious act itself us leading us to the unresolved conflicts with the aim of bringing to light and get rid of them. For this reason, the tree has a tendency to repeat the block or the resistance from one generation to another, is the way that the unconscious uses to try to get rid of being in favor of evolution.

Breaking this game repeats familiar to regain our personal freedom, begins with knowing the facts of our history, circumstances and constraints created through our ancestors. This is not to cut the roots of our tree, but to better understand and unravel the knots that have built up neurotic.

The purpose of the tree is to enable us to know our essential being, our inner diamond.

be able to discover the dynamics of the functioning of our tree, makes it possible to dissolve the reasons of our blocks, resistance, fear, frustration, dissatisfaction, failure and illness.

Our pedigree gives us everything we need to begin our process of personal liberation; decay of our conflicts, reaching and developing what is natural in us and unfortunately we keep dark and repressed.

To begin to sketch the basics of our family tree, we must investigate to find out the facts that marked the lives of our ancestors. The first place to start this investigation and have the following information about our ancestors to the fourth generation (great grandparents) names, professions, hobbies, dates of birth and death, abortions, deaths, family secrets, depression, illness, bankruptcy, suicide and so on.

With this information you are looking for patterns of repetition in order to determine what kind of relationship they had, between them, the family members. In this way it is easy to see conflicts and blocks that may come as a legacy in the present.

Once analyzed and a family tree including its structure, we come to the tree plan: that is what the effects of tree leaves in our personalities and our bodies, which occur through gestures, expressions, postures, attitudes, breathing, etc. ..

The parental project exists, the parents have a project for us which we try to obey metaphorically. It 'very real for the unconscious and begins already in early infancy. The brain has different reality and an imagined reality, for the brain, it is absolutely real as the objective one. If a woman is born, when in fact wanted to be born a male, usually ends up behaving like a man, at the same time it is very likely to create a metaphorical body of male.

Every sentence we are told, every detail expressed in a non-verbal, is the essence the parental project. If we identify with a grandmother, an uncle or the black sheep of the family, means that we still behave as such even though our reality is completely different.

All words and attitudes that parents have bestowed upon us, are absorbed by the unconscious as the truths to which it obeys. The unconscious wants to obey and carry them out. For a child's parents are the most representative and all that they will do or say will directly impact on him. He identifies and builds his own identity and consciousness by what he learns from his parents.

A child learns to be himself through imitation, first imitating and then obeys. A child absorbs the details such as name, habits and weights that are part of the tree. This is a form of unconscious aggression of our parents that ends with the lead in the brain metaphorically creating an architecture emotional, sexual, physical and intellectual. Lays the foundation of our culture psycho.

In the tree must take note of what we were told in childhood, because it is often through these phrases that create confusion, trauma and disorders. Then as adults, we tend to play on others or ourselves, the abuse suffered during childhood.

If yesterday we were tortured, today we do not cease to torture transforming in our own tormentor. There are only sexual abuse during childhood are subject to intellectual abuse, for example, when we suggest crazy ideas, perverse prejudices, racism and so on.

Likewise, you suffer emotional abuse, when they rob us of love, when there is contempt, sarcasm and verbal aggression. There are also abuses materials for lack of space for the continuous changes of the territory, leaving the dress or dietary errors.

Do not forget the abuse of being, those for which they gave us the opportunity to develop our true personality. Our parents would create a destiny in the light of history family without seeing who we really are. We made mirrors of themselves, or else we would want such a woman rather than a man and vice versa.

not let us see what we wanted, not let us listen to certain things, we were allowed to speak, gave us an education that consisted mainly of setting limits. In unconscious form we are prohibited to make sure that we turn ourselves to the cause of our failures. The unconscious

obeys a metaphorical language and does not distinguish the inner world where he lives, which is projected from the outside world, through the acts and operations psychomagic metaphorical on the physical body, you can free the unconscious blocks the person from their trauma and inherited gender, family history.

working shaft in an organic way to teach the unconscious to be untied from the programming, allowing it to overcome the identification with the characters of the tree and free ourselves from the situations to which we submit.

To accomplish this, using metaphorical acts able to resonate in the unconscious of consulting, freed from their blocks and making change its status to a more authentic reality.


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