less public enterprises +
less tax + +
less personal interests
less corruption
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more 'business with finalita'sociali
The current capitalist system gives men The possibility of pursuing only the maximum gain through a single type of company which defines a traditional .
So those who wish to pursue the collective welfare, puo'fare not following the rules of the capitalist system, but, it must be outside of that system.
fact, every year, billions and billions of dollars "out" from the capitalist system to be intended for non-profit institutions, by ordinary citizens or businesses, only to "fix" the injustices of the capitalist system as such system does not provide for the common good.
These resources, however, could be used within the capitalist system to produce wealth not to benefit individuals but to the benefit of the community ', if governments establish and regulate, by law, the company with finalita'sociali, which would become a competitor of the traditional type.
fact, if the enterprise of the entrepreneur will pursue traditional 'maximum gain, with the company with finalita'sociali, entrepreneur perseguira'il welfare. The company with
finalita'sociali fact e'un'impresa that works the same way as traditional enterprise, only that shareholders do not have dividends or may regain possession only of the capital invested in simple rate of interest.
And thanks to the introduction of our Civil Code 'with finalita'sociali company would lose the utility' of the public, obsolete legacy of communist ideology, corrupt, inefficient, sad hotbed of political patronage.
Thanks to this innovation, any individual who cares about the well-being, and not only the maximum gain may be freely manage any service of general interest.
Just think what would happen if a group of entrepreneurs give birth to an Italian multinational with finalita'sociali for the management of water resources?
Citizens may use water from a private company, but the real cost of service, rates free from the burden of corruption and political patronage.
The State finally free from the burden of public enterprises and mixed enterprises, national or local, could eventually lower taxes, make self-employment not piu'subordinato wage labor, finance the production and consumption PIU'.
A study conducted by Ipsos e'emerso that 49% of Italians e'pessimista about the economic situation.
many as 65% believe their standard of living worsened in recent years.
Today, almost a generation since the collapse of the former Soviet Union, we see spread everywhere a sense of disappointment against capitalism and the effects of globalization.
In Italy, piu'di some economists, is e'spinto to say that the e'finita eta'dell'oro, the story of continuous progress, globalization, and the ghost of poverta'sta knocking at our door . According to Giulio Tremonti
: "After the death of communism even liberalism has lost. Communism and consumerism have triumphantly merged into a new materialism. "
But e'davvero so? Capitalism e'davvero over?
In truth ', if we look at what happens in the world and not only in our house, we can see, however, capitalism continues to thrive.
the business grows.
C'e'un boom in global trade, travel technological development shows no signs of slowing down and the big corporations have penetrated the markets of developing countries and those of the former Soviet bloc. Ben
400 million Chinese have left the end of poverty '.
Capitalism, therefore, not e'morto, but ... shown and excellent health.
Unfortunately, the benefits of this development are not for everyone.
And this happens not only in Italy but in all countries of the world.
Just look at the global income distribution: 94% of total income goes to 40% of world population, while the remaining 60% receive a mere 6%.
Meta'del world has to live with two dollars a day and almost a billion people even with less than a dollar.
In America 46 million people are without health care. A real shame.
Why is that? Given that e'morto
communism, and contrary to the claims Giulio Tremonti, not e'fuso with liberalism, and that only through globalization is shown and can give the poor a quantita'di benefits than any other strategy, why the liberal ideology of the open market and not meeting piu'alcuna real opposition can not get out of the world's population poverta'tutta ?
How come there are so 'many nations that continue unabated in their path to prosperity' and others that are always piu'indietro?
Why, in Italy, the economy and 'property and societa'italiana and' between piu'diseguali in Western economies due to the low mobilita'sociale?
Italy, since 1980, It has been able to deny who He was born poor to climb the elevator office. These questions are not
puo'rispondere as did Roger Abravanel stating only that that failure e'dovuto mainly to the lack of meritocracy, which leads to mistrust on the merits, and pointing to the family as the cause of all evils Renting.
But It's true that?
E'l'istituzione family the cause of all evil? Roger Abravanel
forget that between 1950 and 1980 Italy It has been better in terms of growth of both Europe and the United States.
e'cresciuta Italy in that period by 4.5% compared with an EU average of 3.5% and 2.2% in the USA.
All this because of family on entrepreneurship, based on bond family, on the strength of our cultural traditions, our capacita'di invent, build, make, of our unshakable faith.
The Italians have unknowingly tried and given the world the ingredients to overcome the current crisis of a capitalist system rated only at the most personal gain.
Therefore, the deep sense of disillusionment with the capitalist system, not e'colpa the family, but, rather, e'dovuto to the fact that capitalism has lost sight of the true reasons for their existence, or to operate for the benefit of the community '.
fact, when, also, the Italians began to deny their origins, to consider the model family exceeded, break it up, to pursue only the maximum gain, growth e'arrestata, economic development e'divenuto benefit of a few, for se'incompleto e'di poiche'l'attuale capitalist model and, therefore, unfair. In a
societa'votata solely to maximize profits e'naturale that there is, today, who does not want to extend the benefits earned to all, and who, for fear of competition, particularly with Asia, will return to propose a scheme restoration, taking as a model for protectionism to Bretton Woods, ideologies banned by history as communism or fascism, or ineffective as the socialist who does not recognize the family as unita'produttiva and self-employment as an efficient form of livelihood and entrepreneurship as a qualita'rara, believes that it is better to fight for the flattening of the income, which supports the fight poverta'mediante the creation of work for everyone, who collects the money to pay it in pharaonic projects, which invests capital in public companies with the hope of triggering a rocketing economy, locally and regionally, with thousands of new jobs and an effect of drag that can transform the poor and wealthy citizens in taxes.
It is a nice theory, but the experience and there to prove it does not work, there are conditions PERCHE'NON necessary for a development of this type.
Think about the south of Italy, where in the last 20 years have been squandered to € 3.8 trillion to build cathedrals in the desert, where unemployment levels E'a intolerable and unacceptable for any societa'civile. The Italian Left
It is so fond of this strategy PERCHE'NON knows another kind of work outside the wage and e'talmente linked, again, the concept of mass that the Democratic Party, in its numbers the organization responsible for mass initiatives.
Capitalism It is a demon to fight. Globalisation
It has been prepared by the Illuminati or fanatics, but will constitute e'e ' an extraordinary opportunita'per eradicate poverty ', where the capitalist ideology sara'in piu'concettualmente can not reduce people to mere consumers or workers, the assumption that human beings are not creatures to a single dimension for which counts only money as the only source of motivation, satisfaction and happiness', meaning that everything is due to the maximization of profit.
Since, therefore, the current capitalist system an incomplete model, it makes no sense ne'demonizzarlo; ne'propugnare a return to a centralized and interventionist state, the establishment of ne'farneticare entita'formate superconsulenti from overriding the State; ne'ritenere , as written by Roger Abravanel, that the use of meritocracy, in this imperfect system, may be the panacea for all ills.
Indeed, if capitalism restera'tale, aimed solely at maximizing profits, any merit-based process within such a system could help to create one and only samples of personal profit.
Meritocracy avra'senso as a tool to be applied within the capitalist system, if in the meantime, the capitalist system to evolve and sara'capace, inspired, too, the Italian experience of the fifties, dara'la chance ' men to pursue the maximization ol'obbiettivo profit or social welfare, poiche'tali goals are alternatives to one another, as irreconcilable.
Before applying any process based on merit, need, 'then, completing the capitalist system, transforming the traditional philanthropy in a competing company, within our Civil Code by introducing the company with finalita'sociali, distinguishing it by the Traditional and cooperatives, whose benefits are only for members. With the introduction of the
finalita'sociali with, the social business will become 'the missing piece of the capitalist system. Anyone
potra'dar life to a company self-sufficient it will sell 'goods and services, able only to compensate the shareholders of the invested capital, at the rate of simple interest, no dividend, doing business as best as possible, but no loss in service to the planet and people. Companies with
finalita'sociali will operate alongside the traditional companies that deal in maximum profit. Will be the citizens to choose, therefore, who buy on the market. The
inefficient, expensive and, in many cases, corrupt public company tendera'gradualmente, therefore, to disappear from the market to be completely replaced by the firm with finalita'sociali, as a natural evolution and an instrument of the capitalist system designed to benefit of the community ', with the result that we will finally be able to lower taxes, not PIU' finance consumption, but self-employment, the unita'produttive, starting with the family.
Worldwide, some nations are gia'procedendo this direction.
It is the case of Bangladesh, called Nixon "a basket case," but that has diminished in recent years the rate of poverta'di full 34 percentage points, through the establishment of Greemen Bank and other 25 enterprises with purpose 'social, by the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006, Muhammad Yunus, or neighboring France, where He was born even open an investment fund (mutual funds) in which the shareholders have given part of the capital to invest in companies with finalita'sociali, INNOVATION way to find funding for social welfare by using the normal financial markets. A major step towards a new economic order in which the social business trovera'la its place alongside the profit-oriented companies.
Italy too now must, however, 'do its part.
For these reasons, I appeal to you, Hon Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister, affinche'si strive to present in parliament in piu'presto, a bill to be introduced and regulated in the Civil Code with the company finalita'sociali, affinche'questo new type of company can replace, permanently public enterprises, obsolete legacy of communist ideology, inefficient, corrupt, constant brake on the market liberalization of public services.
citizens are waiting.
Just think of the benefits that may be citizens if a group of businessmen decided to form the first multinational company with Italian finalita'sociali for the management of water resources. A company with no dividends, which would allow investors to recover only the principal invested, at the rate of simple interest, and the people have the real cost of water service or to pay fees, free from the burden of corruption, cronyism political, personal interests.
Each year millions of people, business people, to give meaning to their lives, make carita'per a total of billions of dollars. So what better opportunity to transform the works of philanthropy in business with finalita'sociali, who walk with their legs, which need constant donations, ready to reinvest profits to achieve social welfare. This
It is no dream, but reality '.
"Men have always ended up getting cio'che really wanted and are now cio'che have never refused" (Muhammad Yanus).
Roger Abravanel, Meritocracy, Garzanti, 2008
Giulio Tremonti, Fear and hope, Mondadori, 2008
Muhammad Yunus, a world without poverty ', Feltrinelli, 2008
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