Friday, October 26, 2007

What Is The Most Important Verb In The World?



1) A member of the network identified an issue of interest General (or at least the areas that interest 'covered' by at least another of the blog members) and send an email to other members, explaining the issue and demanding the intervention of the Network.

2) Those of the members who want to adhere to common answer as soon as possible that what interests them and that they plan to publish a post on the subject and in that time.

3) Members who have joined publish the post in your blog.
At the end of the post insert NETWORK small logo with a link to this blog.

4) The first members to publish a post of joint action, writes a general article on this blog which indicates (a) the topic, (b) members who joined between blogs, with links to their articles on the issue.

If no answer or no adherence by other members, the member requesting the joint action can publish your own post but can not place the logo of the network in post.

If, after the publication of his article, the member applicant is notified or discovers that the others have adhered to his initiative, he may place the logo of the network at the end of your post and repost your post with the same date and time of publication. The same can do the other members.

Each member is required to warn others the publication of an article that has been made to the prompt action of other members. If you forget, any of the other members being aware of an article published by a member on a topic of common interest, or have already addressed, can inform the author of the post to incorporate the logo of the Network.


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