Family constellations and imaginal approach (psychology) 's article today is a bit 'particular, since do not go to see a book or
pnl law of attraction, but on the contrary, we are dedicated to a discipline still not well known: the
family constellations.
In particular, we mark the course for facilitators in
Psycho-genealogy and family constellations to imaginal approach, taking by Selene
Calloni Williams and Paolo Bertoldi
(Selene Calloni Williams was the first to introduce the approach in the imaginal counseling and transgenerational family constellations).
But first things first.
The first to conceive of the family as a kind of system and apply it to systems theory were different
Paul Watzslawick ,
Gregory Bateson, Janet Helmick Beavin
Don Jackson, and other general researchers at the School of Palo Alto
So, the family is that they conceived as a complex system,
with its rules and its principal features,
that arise from the system and thus helping to maintain its "intelligence."
At this point, the Psycho-genealogy
psychology or trans (here and how not to mention the school
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger ,
analyst and author of the ancestors
syndrome), which
approaches to so-called "invisible emotional ties" that bind people to their ancestors, pushing them to live their lives as a sort of revival of the myth trans.
In practice, all we would be forced to play roles that perpetuate thoughts and emotions
(In other words, the fate) of our ancestors, and this because of an unconscious "must love" against them.
To put it in a nutshell, the ancestors would affect future generations as well.
To resolve this relationship within family constellations imaginative approach to using different tools, such as the genogram
psychodrama, in conjunction with other methods result of research in various populations (like the animist tribes of Myanmar). Let us now approach
imaginal, born in the analytical psychology of Jung
and then continued his studies in psychology archetypal
In this approach the body and the world are internal to the psyche, something that resonates with those philosophical currents of thought and believe that reality is a "psychic imagination."
According to this view, then, things are so objective, but we are we producing reality
and not "results" of the same. To cite
Aurobindo, "we are the masters of things, not the victims of their reactions." The
simboloimmaginale method has the aim to regain possession of reality as a result of his own psyche, finding in themselves the strength to interact on it in a positive and proactive in the interests of
personal growth.
Always put it in a nutshell, the ultimate goal of the method is simboloimmaginale defuse their fears, which are the obstacle to their development and their own personal success.
As always, every idea is useful because it increases our chances, and who want to know more can deepen here: